Welcome to the website for Catalina C380, C387, C385 and C390 Yachts. Over the next few weeks we will be updating and modernizing our website. Our goal will be provide easy and fast access to information for all of the Catalina sailboats in the C3xx series.
As members of the Catalina C380 International Association, active members will have complete access to our website as well as access to the Group.IO member’s forum. It will be our goal to work hand in hand with the Group.IO site to provide online manuals, links to the manufacturers of the equipment our sailboats use and as many owner modifications, upgrades and all of the trials, tribulations and joy owners of the Catalina C3xx boats enjoy! We will rely on the Group.IO site to provide the instant give and take owners need when they are looking for advice or help on a project or issue with their boat.
So, pardon our mess as we begin the process of downloading and saving all of the manuals and articles our owner/members have provided over the years. We want to make sure all of this hard work will be here for years to come! You may see pages come and go while we work and you may see format changes as we try to find the very best final version. We can’t wait!
Our owners will find news, photos and technical information about their boats here, and those thinking about owning one will find ample reason to get on over to the dealer. We love our boats!
The Catalina 380 International Association has over 250 members from around the world. Our fleets provide sailing, social and technical support opportunities from coast to coast. Members are encouraged to start new fleets wherever three or more of our boats are close together. We hope you will find this to be a valuable resource, as well as an enjoyable browsing experience. Welcome to our world!
Members receive the quarterly magazine, Mainsheet, the subscription is included in your annual dues. You are encouraged to document your sailing experiences, particularly those in your own boats, and write them up for the magazine. It is a thrill to see your words and pictures in a magazine as attractive as this one.
The Technical Section of the magazine is pre-punched for a three-ring binder, and owners share their improvements here for permanent reference. All these articles are available on this site to C380 International Association members. Volunteer officers, including the captains of the local C380/CM381/C385/C387/C390 fleets, run the association. All members are urged to volunteer for association events and for national, as well as local offices. The more ideas we get from you, the better our association becomes.
We have a lively Discussion Group which is currently hosted by www.Groups.io. This is very easy to join and the discussions with other C380 Series Owners are a fantastic resource for tips on sailing, improvements, and maintenance.
In order to join, follow this link to Groups.io and create an account and follow the instructions for catalina380.
- Bill Ahillen, Commodore Kathy II – C-380 # 5 bahillen@comcast.net
- John Peterson, Webmaster – Lucky Star, C-380 #105
- Eric Engel, Moderator of Catalina380 Groups.io enengel@gmail.com
- Chris Toole, Secretary-Treasurer – Toole’n Around, C-380 #16 toolenaround@gmail.com
*Note that C385s are new to the group so information specific to that model is currently somewhat limited. On the other hand, the information on other aspects of equipment can be highly useful.
I have an external Garmin GPS 17 receiver/antenna brand new in box if any needs will sell for $25 plus shipping. Also have # 40 complete Manuel 2 speed Lewmar winch excellent shape available ..email me at jprmer244@bellsouth.net or call 561 315 7617 Jim Riedel 2002 380 Tenacity …Tierra verde ,Florida
I purchased a pair of rail cushions for the backrest of the pushpit seats, they need to be replaced but I do not remember the name of the company that makes them. Does anyone know the name of that company?
Has anyone have problem with their Ronco water tanks leaking through the access panel when full? I’ll like to know I if there is a way to stop the leak or even seal off the access port because it’s not need. Thanks
Am I missing something here? It seems the only way to make a comment or start a new thread is via the “Leave a Reply” box. That makes sorting threads very difficult. For example John and Cathy Vessem are asking about rail cushions. Jim and Marie Riedel are asking about GPS. But both comments are in the “THOUGHTS ON “WELCOME TO CATALINA 380 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION” chain.
On the right side of my screen the top post under “Recent Posts” is “Captain’s Chair” and has been that way for nearly two months. Surly something else has been posted. (I know, don’t call me Shirley.) Is everyone else seeing the same thing?
I’ve checked under “HELP” , sub “Creating your own post” and my screen doesn’t look anything like shown there. On my book webpage I use WordPress and frankly find it difficult as it seems to change as its updated automatically. That may be the issue. But, I’m hoping the issue is on my end but am not sure.
Henry Gaudreau
Catalina 380 #192
I’m looking for some information about installing air-conditioning in a 1999 380, thru hull placement, duct placement, all info that you have on installing in the forward solon. would help a lot. My email is duke508@msn.com Thanks
I need a recommandation for a boat surveyor the know Catalina boats in the Cap Canaveral area.
Gilles Halle
I plan on installing a Forespar PureWater filter beside the galley sink. The filter sits below the counter, tap and faucet sit above. When looking up at the sink and bottom of the counter I can see space is limited and the counter looks too thick for the threaded section to accept the plastic securing nut. Before I drill the hole has anyone installed one of these filters and if so how thick is the counter?
Group is there a big difference between a 2 blades and 3 blades prop?
MutualFunII Hull 301
Hello every one.I would like to know if some of you install a PS dripless on their boat.I need to find how to reject the water.I tried to have the little hose above the water line but does not work above 2100 rpm.I you have photos it will be appreciated.Thanks
Gille Halle
Mutual Fun II
Hull 301
We are planning to install air conditioning on Khiimori, our 2007 387, hull# 116. It’s the 16,000 BTU Dometic unit. The plan is to place it under the aft salon seat, with water outlet above waterline on port side, and water inlet starboard, essentially under the nav table. We would need to create a new bilge access panel in the sole at that thru hull. air intake would be adjacent to the unit, under that salon seat, and air outlet vent could run up through the outboard bookshelf aft end of the salon, probably built a nice box there for it. Any thoughts or ideas from others who may have tackled this? Thanks much.
Hull #21 Moondance Chris Bleeker Chesapeake Bay MD
As we approach summer and the launch of our boat, a 2001 Catalina 380, I’ve purchased a Loos Tension Gage to help fine tune the rig. I’m wondering if anyone has any experience with this device and what tensions they tune their rig. Any advice and suggestions would be most appreciated.
Looking for an article or thread about replacing the topping lift on our 380 without unstepping the mast. Any help or direction would be appreciated.
John and Patti Withington
Ruste Nayle C-380 S/N 006
Cambridge, MD