Title: Aft Cabin Seat Storage
Author: Earle Ellefsen
Date: 11/1/2003
Hull #: 271
Aft Cabin Seat Storage Some of you will recall our discussion indicating the storage space available beneath the two seats in our master sleeping cabin. Has developing those spaces been on your ” back burner”? Well, now you’ll have one less excuse for not moving on this: you’ll see what they look like! The photos you see here [Insert Photos #1 & #2 w/captions] were taken by Earle Ellefsen [Valkyrie, # 271] with his trusty digital camera [I’ll have my own soon]. These are of the storage spaces on my boat [#44].
Cutting the openings in the top of these seats is a bit of a chore. The material is 7/8″ thick, with half of this fiberglass and half plywood. After drilling a starter hole, I found that a quality medium-tooth jigsaw blade worked, albeit fairly slowly.
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