Campbell Sailor 3-Blade Prop

I have a Campbell Sailor 3 blade prop on our C380, and love it.  The boat backs up straight, very controllable.  While the previous owner installed the prop on the C380, I did install one on our prior boat, a C30.  The prop seems to counteract prop walk much more on the C380.  On the C30 I could really rely on the paddle wheel effect to turn the boat, but not so much on the C380.  I like the simplicity of the Campbell Sailor, with no maintenance, or history of failures.  As reported in independent tests by “Practical Sailor Magazine”, it achieves top results and is their Editor’s pick for fixed blade propellers.

Max props are highly regarded by members of this group as well, and offers better sailing performance characteristics.

Since we will be cruising remote areas, I prefer a fixed blade prop, since it is inherently simpler,

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