Title: Head Oders
Author: Warren Elliott
Date: 11/1/2003
Hull #: 44
Eliminating Head Odors
Several C380 owners, either those on Sailnet, friends, or some that I met at the recent northeast Catalina rendezvous expressed unhappiness with this classic problem. And it occurs both in and around the head compartment itself and outside the boat via the vent line. Here’s what’s kept us “sweet-smelling” for most of the 7 years we’ve owned and sailed “My Bride II”.
First, I installed an in-line treatment called “Earth Safe” [West Marine #568592, $37]. This consists of a plastic container that is plumbed into the toilet’s water intake. The container has a compartment into which a large tablet is placed; this dispenses a blue-colored liquid that both deodorizes and lubricates the pump. I can report that this system woks well in fresh water or saltwater; it worked for us right away [may need a few
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