Main Cabin Bilge Storage

Main Cabin Bilge Storage
Bob Bierly

Hull #: 255

Most folks have discovered the storage in the closed bilge’s just forward of the mast. Although some water could find its way into that space, it can easily be used for storage of canned goods, beer, wine etc. as it is.

The other two bilge compartments can also be used for this kind of storage by placing a set of floorboards in each. [Older hull #’s have only two accessible bilge compartments-Ed]. The existing grid, which strengthens the boat, makes it possible to cut three boards each 6 ¾ by 16 ½ for the aft compartment, which will rest on the turn of the bilge and be held in place by the grid and each other. The storage area, which results, is above the float switch and yields an area 21” by 16″ by 15” high. The larger bilge compartment

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