More on Hatch Screen Hinges
Bob Bierly
February, 2006 Hull #: 255
Faithful readers of this column will recall the November 2004 issue wherein I extol the virtues of always-installed hatch screens. This marvelous condition excites a euphoric state wherein captain and crew find they no longer need to scrounge precious storage areas for their hatch screens, no more will they suffer skinned knuckles or stubbed toes while trying to unearth the very same screens from their forgotten, illgained resting places. Our boating stalwarts can dismiss ugly memories of installing their screens a thousand times, most requiring some awkward twist or arch of the back, eliciting visions of endless therapy, and they can reject head-gashing reminders when those dastardly items fell, causing untold call-911-type pain together with suspicion of the need for near record stitches administered by Dr. Frankenstein.
No, this is all in the past! Now our heros bask
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