Category Archives: Head

Change of a raw water electric toilet to a fresh water

Our C387 has a raw water electric toilet system that works very well; however, depending on the raw water or rather the location, ocean, river or creek, there is no smell from the sanitary system (ocean), or there is a very strong and offensive smell that is not very welcoming.

We are considering changing over to a fresh water system to mitigate the odor. We have done some research on the Web without any success. Has any other member encountered this odor problem with the Head? If yes, please share with us your solutions and also if any member has done the raw water to fresh water conversion, how was it accomplished, parts, labor, pictures, etc.

Thanks in advance for sharing your experience and comments on this subject.

Isi & LaMae

S / V  Windseeker II



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Sanitation Hose Replacement

from Paul Beukema:

1)  Head to Tank run.  I did seal both ends with expanding foam which really helped control the odor.  I then used duct take to spiral tape the ends together from the tank end.  The pull-thru went okay until I got to the smaller opening just forward of the shower.  I was pulling from the access in the shower wet locker and my wife was pushing from the tank end.  Because of the increase in the OD of the new hose coupled with the large amount of cables running through the same opening it became very difficult to move the hose through that opening.  So we used soapy water in a spray bottle to stray the hose in the pass thru opening forward and aft of the shower access.  That  helped a lot.  I did measure the hose using an electrical fish tape and added about 4

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Replacing sanitation hoses

Before you pull the old hose out (through the under sink cabinet) drill a hole in it and attach a line at the tank end. If the hose jams, you can pull it forward again to release it. Then attach the line to the new hose and use it as a guide, have someone pull gently while you push from under the sink. That way the new hose will not go where it wants, but rather where you are guiding it. Use enough new hose length so that you can cut off the few inches with the holes in it. Yes two holes so that you can arrange the leed line to be in the center of the hose. Some tape, creating a cone also helps to guide the hose.

Bob Xanadu
c380, #243


Might help to spray outside of new hose with silicone or Teflon. Warren

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Raw water electric Head to fresh water source

We have an electric Head that uses raw water. Recently we have noticed that depending on the source of the raw water, ocean, river or creek, there is either no odor (open ocean) or a very strong odor (rivers or creeks). We are considering a conversion to fresh water for the Head. Has any other member encountered the same issue? If yes, what was done to solve the odor issue.
Sent from my iPad

Any comments / suggestions regarding the conversion are very much appreciated.


Isi & LaMae

S/V Windseeker II


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