Category Archives: Tables

Another Approach to Cockpit Table Extension

I looked at Tom B’s cockpit table extension which is really a beautiful piece of  craftmanship, not to forget the other work he has done on retro-fitting the plastic pieces with wood.

Our approach is a little different based on our experience with the wooden table extension we have for the galley table which is rarely used and I’m forever
worried about scratching it while in storage where ever there is space that day!!

So, for the 3 or 4 times a year that we might need a larger cockpit table, we’ve  come up with extension made out of pressed board that I had lying around the shop. I feel that a few coats of white primer and white exterior paint will keep it useable for many years as long as it doesn’t sit in pools of water. Also won’t worry about scratches where ever I store it.

Our preliminary

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New Salon Table for CM38cc

When we bought our CM38cc the table was placed rather ridiculously about 6″ away from the mast post so was impossible to get around from the forward end.  I ruminates for a year on how to correct, all the while NOT relishing the work of building a new table.

As well as being badly placed, it was too low, to the point where it was nearly impossible to skootch your thighs under it.

A light finally went on and I realized that when I added blocking (2 layers of 3/4″ ply) to the underside to raise the table, I could also relocate the brackets to provide clearance at the mast post.  It all worked like a charm!



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Cockpit Table Modification

Mine table is permanently stored at home with the cocktail table, cushions and short tubes. It’s too bad we don’t have use of the berth, but the table is too big and all that gear takes up too much space.

I replaced it with a roughly 2′ by 3′ piece of edge glued oak that I tried (unsuccessfully) to stain to match the teak. I also built a simple wooden sliding mechanism so the new table can be slid toward the bulkhead when you want to access the port-side shelf or blinds, and slid back and locked in place for dining.

Basically, there is a 1′ by 2′ plywood platform attached to the posts in place of the table. It has angled edges on the long sides. The table has angled wooden rails screwed to its underside. The rails keep the table from lifting off the platform, but allow it

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Cockpit Table Support Source

Cockpit Table Support Source

The cockpit table braces are Mobella part# MT-05-330-7, available from for $19.95 each. To order, you need to telephone them at

Dick Dyer
Free Spirit #319


Catalina Direct see link.



I called Ken Roy(727-544-6681) at Catalina to order the pair that I needed to replace.  An e-mail or call to Warren Pandy would also work.

Bill Worsley
Southern Skies C380 #302

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Cockpit Table Extension

Thomas Brantigan
C387 #96

Recent discussions on the C380 forum have discussed actually removing the cockpit table but here is a project that goes in just the opposite direction – it makes it bigger!

Cockpit Table Extension

My wife and daughter and I often sail with our friends, the Corey’s, who own a C34 they purchased new over 20 years ago.  When we throw the hook, we have happy hour and then dinner on one boat or the other.  The cockpit table in the 387 seats four people comfortably but we typically have at least 5 – thus the project to add a portable extension to the table.

The project is fairly simple but has some interesting aspects that are worth discussing.

The first thing I did was to create a template of the shape I needed to butt against the existing cockpit table.  One could just use a straight

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Enlarged Drop Leaf Salon Table

Enlarged Drop Leaf Salon Table
Paul McManus

November, 2006 Hull #: 185

 Enlarged Salon Table with Drop-Down Leaves

Shortly after we took delivery of “Sea Sea Rider” , we were on our friends’ Catalina 36. They had replaced their salon table with one that had drop-down leaves.

Figure 1

The Admiral immediately put a new salon table on the boat project list, where it remained for a couple of years. Finally, a couple of years ago, the Admiral put her foot down and mandated that no more boat projects could be done until we had a new salon table. Problem for me was that our C36 friend had built his teak salon table himself and had done a beautiful job. I didn’t have the skill or the tools to do that. We had also decided we wanted an extension to expand the table so that we could sit our whole

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Dinette Table

Dinette Table
Forrest Lott
Hull #: 90

The May issue included a short description and photo by Forrest Lott of his smaller dinette table. I had a few questions, the answers to which didn’t quite make publication deadline, so here they are.

His picture showed a nice sketch of a sailboat centered in the table top. I wondered at Ted’s artistry; however, he reported the sailboat figure is part of an acrylic dish that his wife found in Walmart! It’s usually under a pile of chips! Oh well, just shows how different perspectives can be.

I also inquired how Forrest swaps old and new table tops easily, and where the unused one is stored. It turns out that they leave the new one in place all the time as it is so convenient. The old one is stored under the vee berth cushions without the mounting flange, which is

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Westerbeke 42B Engine – Upgrades & Start Proceddure

Westerbeke 42B Engine – Upgrades & Start Proceddure
Warren Elliott

Date: 8/1/2001 Hull #: 44


About 225 of the C380’s have the 42B engine, while later 380’s and all 390’s have the Yanmar 3JH3. Some of the early 42B’s initially developed internal overheating associated with the last two cylinders, causing permanent loss of compression and resultant hard starting or non starting.

Several upgrades were instituted early on by Westerbeke and Catalina, both of whom have been very responsive. Most, probably all boats already have theses changes. But, because there have been some questions on this appearing on Sailnet, mostly from second owners, I thought it would be appropriate to summarize these changes for some who may not be aware.

There have also been comments on the 42B’s starting procedure, so this is here, too. The latter is already on the 390-390 website:, and the upgrades should

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Use That Old Teak Cockpit Table

Use That Old Teak Cockpit Table
Jim Jaeschke

Hull #: 73

Have an old teak pedestal table in the garage? I took mine apart: the ”four-holer”, which attached to the Edson pedestal guard with a stainless strap curved at both ends, fits our pedestal, too. Slide it down until it rests on the instrument pod and you have a great place for drinks, binoculars, a horn, gloves and whatever. Add rubber holders on each side for a hand-held VHF and a cell phone. Add a “Holdz-it” on one side for the GPS.

How about a holder for the bell? We added a brass eye for a small nautical kerosene lamp, nice for romantic dinners. When we’re securing the boat the four-holer comes right off and hangs on one of the hooks in the lazarette.

This is wonderful!

Now you’ve got a teak table top, perhaps with folding leaves. Lose

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