By: Tim Porter, C380 Tech Ed.
The C380 came with two versions of Garhauer mainsheet travelers; the 1st generation has the control line coming through the upper part of the rail and thence through a cam-cleat mounted on a plate that is sandwiched between the rail and the sheave-box below the rail. The 2nd generation traveler, which came in 1999 sometime (likely around the mid-100 hull numbers), uses the same rail but employs a SS plate mounted atop the rail with a similar cam-cleat. Both systems require that the traveler lines pass through the isinglass of a dodger, and require the pass-through to be vertically slotted to accommodate releasing the line from the cam-cleat. This project will move the traveler cam-cleat inside the dodger for both generations of travelers. When it came time to replace the canvas on my boat, I wanted to get rid of the slot
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